Posts tagged good design vs bad design
Interior Design as Couple’s Therapy

Interior Design as Couple’s (or Roomate) Therapy

Ok so you have great taste and know just what you like but what about your partner? Are you worried that your fellow decision maker is going to mess all of your dreams for your environment up?

If this is the case we are going to need to so a little bit of inner work! This is the perspective of a designer who has worked with countless clients, couples, and roommates!

If you feel like you and your partner, spouse, roommate or family are out of sync in regards to the creation of a new environment for all of you, then read on, I think you will find this process a lot more fun when you get some perspective.

Think of this as your own Design couple’s therapy exercise!

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Good Design Doesn’t Have to be Expensive!

Good Design Doesn’t Have to be Expensive

If you think good design is expensive think again!

Do you think good design is only possible for the exorbitantly rich, because that couldn’t be the furthest from the truth.

Everyone thinks that good design is almost unattainable.

I want to illustrate that great design doesn’t have to be expensive!

I want you to take the power back and realize that good design for you is out there. All you have to do is get really clear on who you are and what you want before beginning.

I know that this is the single biggest concern of most of my clients because they are real people with real lives who don’t have unlimited money!

I hear time and time again from my first time clients how fearful they are of spending too much money on design and how maybe they need to wait and they don’t deserve a full re-design of a specific space or their home.

I think the design industry unhealthily perpetuates some narratives. Like good design vs. bad design equals expensive things vs inexpensive things. Or like good design costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and as long as the things you buy are expensive you have good taste...

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