creating holistic design that aligns with your deeper self
holistic interior design philosophy


Founder of Catherine Rose Design, a design studio dedicated to providing holistic interior design to Sensitives and their environments. I created this space to support you as a sensitive individual desiring to connect to your own inner creativity.

catherine rose inspiration design board

I created this space to help you discover your inner desires. To reflect on who you are, and then intentionally illustrate the aesthetic that your soul seeks through your environment.

Within you, there are universes of creativity (whether you know this yet or not…) my calling is to connect you with them.

My desire is to make design a deeply healing part of your life. My gift is intuitively connecting to, resonating with, and then inspiring your authentic self.

Everyone has a creative voice, and my calling as your depth designer is to be your mirror; to help you bring your imagination to life, through your feelings and deeper desires.

If invited I will be your guide through the design universe, we will create a new environment that completely supports your energy, mind, body, and soul together.

As a Clairsentient/Claircognizant, Energy Intuitive; I utilize Human Design, Astrology, Tarot, Energy Guidance, Depth Psychology, Archetypes, symbols, and many other inner-depth modalities to get a real read on who you are so that we can co-create emotionally supportive environments for you, through you.

As a sensitive soul myself, I have always known how important it is to have a healing environment that truly supports my well-being. Ever since I was small, I have created places of rest and creativity to engage my inner self and recharge, unique to my own deeper desires. These aligned environments allowed me to bring my best self to those that I love, and to the rest of the world. I want you to enjoy this experience in your home and environment too! I know that in order to have a truly beautiful home (or life for that matter), you need to know what you want; and in order to know what you want... you need to know who you are within! You must first align with your deeper desires and then follow your heart into your dream environment.

Often the design process is created from the details up, only through left-brain linear processing…

leaving people feeling totally lost and overwhelmed.


• I would LOVE to show you, how empowering it feels…

to create from your big picture, down utilizing your right brain, cyclical creativity! •


♡ Love,

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