How to choose wood (or wood looking) flooring for your environment, worry-free.

How to choose wood, or wood-looking flooring for your space, worry-free. Are you overwhelmed while trying to choose flooring for your environment. This article covers wood flooring ideas, how to decide between wood floor colors, and wood floor textures. Let me walk you through the process of choosing flooring for your space so that you can be confident in your own design choices! Click on the pin and sign up for a Free Guidance Consult for answers to your holistic design questions.

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The real reasons why your friend’s home looks better than yours…

The real reasons why your friend’s home looks better than yours… And why it’s time to stop comparing your home to others. When you are in a beautiful environment do you go through feelings of comparison and personal lack? I wrote this article to show you how to take your creative power back and create yourself a functional environment through holistic interior design. Instead of hyper-focusing on design details realize that a beautiful space begins within you not following trends or trying to stay “in style”.

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How to intentionally decorate your shelves (with items that hold meaning for you)

Do you know how to decorate your shelves or bookcase with intention?! When you express who you are with the items that hold meaning for you… Not only will you save money but you will also illustrate your own aesthetic and vision. In this article, I will show you what to focus on in order to decorate your shelves starting with objects you love and finishing with pieces that flow with YOUR aesthetic!

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How to Uncover your Deeper Symbols

Do you know your deeper, personal symbols? Your subconscious is the key to tapping into your creativity. With some uncovering of your own symbols and reflection on them, you to can uncover your own inspiration for your environment or your creative project. How to use their archetypal meaning as inspiration for your environment. Instead of looking outside yourself for inspiration, learn here how to use your symbols to tap into the collective unconscious.

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How to choose art for your environment

Do you not know how to choose art for your environment?! Don’t worry in this article I go over simple ways you can expose yourself to amazing art. From visiting, art museums to your community art fair… by following what you naturally love you too can find art that you like! I show you how to find your personal art inspiration, go over budget-friendly ideas like art prints, and show you how to find artists to commission original art too!

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Inner De-conditioning Affects Interior Design

How intentionally are you living? Did you know that your inner voice should be the only thing guiding you in your home design project? “Conditioning is messages that we have internalized either consciously or unconsciously that originate from outside our innate inner wisdom or conscience.” These messages can negatively affect how we engage with our environments and lives. Read this article for practical tips to start your de-conditioning process so you can live re-condition and design from your authentic self.

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How to layout your living room

Are you worried about designing you living room? Are you looking for some easy tips to make sure your space is beautiful and functional? In this article read some tried and true design tips on space planning, how to create a functional layout, how focal points work, how to float furniture and how to find the best end tables and coffee table for you space!

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Are you, energetically, a Yin or a Yang?

Are you energetically, a Yin or Yang personality? Most people don’t understand what the Yin Yang really symbolizes or how understanding its duality can be used as a beautiful tool in their life! Duality is a constant and through understanding the Yin Yang concept you can better understand your inner self and the deeper self of others natural energy. This concept has been around for thousands of years but I find that it is helpful to have words around how people show up in the world and understanding where on the continuum you may fall. In regards to design in particular, it’s another fun way to approach the often overwhelming concept of your own design aesthetic. Which is a necessary component in creating the environment of your dreams.The Yin Yang concept is also a great place to start for design inspiration. Learn which way your energy leans in this article.

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