creating holistic design that aligns with your deeper self

The Why…


This design studio evolved to support the divine partnership between your creativity and sensitivity through Holistic Interior Design, (or just the exploration of your deeper self) in honor of all aspects of who you are.

I support you in coming back to your authentic self, through your creativity, intuition, and feelings. In deep knowing that this is the secret to alignment and fulfillment, not only in our environments but also our lives.

I seek to be a supportive mirror for your creative emotional expression. Whether that’s through your inner voice in your home, or through living your life as the deepest aspects of who you are as a human being.

I am a Holistic Interior Designer and Intuitive who always desired a safe sacred space to be my authentic self. I was born with intense emotional and intuitive gifts that over 30 years, I slowly began to reject in myself to more comfortably “fit in” with the left-brain-only world around me. It took a few dark nights of the soul and the discovery that I was Autistic (thank you Saturn return + Human Design “going on the roof”…) to profoundly wake up to the fact that I had abandoned (at least outwardly) the most powerful aspects of who I was as a human being. From then on I vowed to honor myself; my deep sensitivity, emotional intelligence, creativity, psychic gifts, etc… by helping other sensitive beings remember the universes of creativity that are within them too.

I knew since I felt this way that there must be other sensitives that must feel like I do. Even though I was blessed to work in one of my passions, interior design. Within the first decade of my career, I could always intuitively feel the inner turmoil and disconnection when attempting to connect with my clients on their creative projects. They were always stressed about the details and “getting it right” for some looming outside authority. Never supported in understanding WHY they wanted their environment to look a certain way, how they wanted to feel, or how to access their own creativity and passion… I realized quickly working at ~normal~ design studios, that typical design modalities didn’t honor my client’s felt experience or soul. And so Catherine Rose Design was created for us, the deep feelers.

If you are sensitive too, and want to create an environment that supports you emotionally,


I’m so excited to get to know you deeper.

♡ Catherine Rose


your subconscious (*emotion), contains your creativity. •

your subconscious (*emotion), contains your creativity. •

Do you feel like this?..


✦ You have a new home or an old space you wish felt right for you, but you don’t know why it feels off... You keep changing things around and buying things you like but it doesn’t change how it feels.

✦ Maybe a friend just re-designed a space and they were super excited about their environment and they finally feel as though it reflects them, and you would love to feel as though your space reflects you.

✦ You may have reached out to other designers or services but realized, A. They only seem to care about their own aesthetic. and/or B. The goal is to sell you stuff. You wish you could work with someone who actually listens to you since it’s your environment.

✦ You wish to know how to go from being overwhelmed and uncertain of where to start in your space to confidently and consistently making aligned design decisions that support who you are.

✦ You are looking for someone with integrity who will take you from stressed to supported in your space. Someone who is passionate about guiding you in creating an emotionally supportive environment, not just one that looks good for a moment.

✦ You want to use your big picture for your life as design inspiration, instead of all the fake “rules” of what’s in right now. Chasing a “design ideal”, like many other linear goals that haven’t fulfilled you yet.

✦ You would like to learn how to create your environments from within your own innate creativity, (trust me you ARE creative!) You are really done listening to outside “authority”.

✦ You would like to learn the importance of your inner desires in the design of your space.

✦ You may love your home but you realize that you are not using the space to its greatest potential and function for the way that you actually wish to live.


. Some Client Love .




✦ Do you know your own unique aesthetic?… Let me show you how to find it! .


^ My Vibes & Aesthetic ∞


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